Monday, November 7, 2011

Accidental eBay Entrepeneurs - Thank You

Accidental eBay Entrepeneurs start selling on eBay casually, without initially intending to run a business. Maybe they start selling on eBay to make a few dollars selling used toys the kids are done with, or perhaps someone in the family lost a job and they start selling their personal belongings to keep the bills paid.

My favorite story of an Accidental eBay Entrepeneur is of Linda Lightman, the owner of Linda’s Stuff, an eBay store. When she started she was a lawyer-turned-stay-at-home-mom who sold some of her son’s old video games, and now she runs a multi-million dollar corporation with over 60 employees.

Linda was interviewed on Nightline last year:

I’m not an Accidental eBay Entrepeneur. I put myself through college as a 30-something re-entry student, and earned a business degree from the Haas School of Business at Berkeley. I started my eBay business with a plan in mind. I worked nights and weekends and carefully planned so my business would grow, and now I've created 2 jobs and have wonderful employees that are helping me grow it further.

A lot of my eBay friends don’t have my classroom experience. I learned so much from them when I started selling women’s business clothing on eBay (such as what brands to buy and how to write strong titles – the things they don’t teach in business school) that I want to return the favor. Privately, I’ve been doing this by encouraging them to think of their business as a business: setting goals, calculating margins, and to understand ROI. I share the things I did learn in school as my way of thanking them.

I wouldn’t have made it this far if they hadn’t held my hand, explained the difference between St. John and St. John’s Bay, and all the countless other things they’ve taught me.

This blog is my thank you. My hope is to pay their kindness forward, and help someone else the way they helped me.

Sandi Garcia, Owner,

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